Big Fish/Saddlebag & Finch Lake Treatment Application Update
from Chris Brooks 5.21.13 Our consultants, Restorative Lakes Sciences (RLS) surveyed our lakes for the invasive weed species Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) on Wednesday May 8, 2013. The result of their survey is attached above. RLS has indicated that last year’s application seems to have reduced the EWM by about 25%. We have been informed that our applicator, Aquatic Services, Inc. (ASI) will be treating our lakes Tuesday June 4, 2013. RLS has recommended using a systemic chemical this year in lieu of the contact chemical used last year for only the milfoil to more permanently reduce the acreage over time. The systemic is more aggressive in reducing the amount of EWM. Our funding allows for use of this chemical with a balance to further treat later in the year. The chemical being used for this application is Renovate 3. Per the white “Aquatic Pesticide Treatment Notice” that everyone in the district received earlier, there would be no swimming or bathing for 24 hours and irrigation for 120 days (except for established grasses for which there is no restriction for using the treated lake water). You will see the yellow letter size notices similar to last year posted on shore near all application areas with pertinent information about the chemical and its effects. Additionally, later treatments will include the combination of contact herbicides that was used last year to treat nuisance algae and other plant growth.
Chris Brooks Marcellus/Volinia Lakes Weed SAD Liaison [email protected] (269) 921-8720
Revised Lake Treatment Application Update
from Chris Brooks 5.30.13 Our consultants, Restorative Lakes Sciences (RLS) surveyed our lakes for the invasive weed species Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) on Wednesday May 8, 2013. The revised results of their survey is attached above. We have been informed that our applicator, Aquatic Services, Inc. (ASI) will be treating our lakes Tuesday June 4, 2013. RLS has recommended using the same chemical that was used last year, “Triple Play”, a contact herbicide, which will also prove beneficial with the algae experienced this year. Our funding allows for use of this chemical with a balance to further treat later in the year. Per the white “Aquatic Pesticide Treatment Notice” that everyone in the district received earlier, there would be no swimming or bathing or irrigation for 24 hours (except for established grasses for which there is no restriction for using the treated lake water). You will see the yellow letter size notices similar to last year posted on shore near all application areas with pertinent information about the chemical and its effects.
This supersedes the previous notice.
Chris Brooks Marcellus/Volinia Lakes Weed SAD Liaison [email protected] (269) 921-8720